
Wednesday, 3 March 2021


 Hello creative friends, 

Three unexpected days of blue skies and sunshine kept me away from 
my crafty haven this weekend, spending all my free time in the garden 
having a pre Spring clean up and enjoying the warmth and fresh air. 

So there's not been much going on at my desk but after spotting 
my first Bee of the year I thought i'd sketch it. Coloured with 
ink, watercolour and pencil, those Yucca leaves still need some 
major tweaking, the're looking rather like green banana's 😂

That's what's on my workdesk this week... 

... and for pencil lover's out there don't panic that mine are all 
bottoms up, their wee noses are resting gently on a foam liner 
inside my mug, much easier to use when work's in progress 😉 

Look forward to seeing what you've been up to.. 

Stay safe & creative 
Tracey xx


Helen said...

that bee is beautiful! glad you got out and enjoyed the sunshine. Helen#5

Lisa-Jane said...

I've just said to BJ that I think our lovely weather was a false spring but it was nice while it lasted. Your bee is fabulous - such a great size of book too. Great idea with the foam in the pencil cup. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #7

Mary Anne said...

Wow./ Your bee is stunning. And yeah, sorry to hear we are in for another cold snap. Bah! Ready for spring and lockdown easing even a tiny bit. Once we all get dose 2 I am looking forward to a long walk in the sunshine, someplace open and hopefully not too populated.

PS love the foam-in-cup tip, although for some reason it is making me sing Brass in Pocket in my head....

Happy desk hopping' day!
Mary Anne (1)

Susan Renshaw said...

Beautiful bee!
Good idea to put the foam in the mug...
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #2

glitterandglue said...

Morning Tracey. WOW! That bee is gorgeous. Well done. Love the idea of your pencils sitting on a nice soft foam bed!! And as for the message to us all on your cup of tea....
So glad the Conwy picture brings back such happy memories.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

How wonderful that you were inspired by the first bee you saw this year. My gardening activities were limited to the potting shed - good thing I looked in there - all the plants badly needed watering - last time I was in there the soil in the pots was frozen! Unfortunately that warm weather didn't last long but Spring is just around the corner, it must be! I totally see the rationale behind putting the pencils nose down - never though of that before! Have a lovely week, Tracey! xx zsuzsa #22

Lunch Lady Jan said...

What a genius idea that is putting your pencils like that in the mug, sooo much easier to see what colour you need next. Honestly, you really do learn something new every day, lol! The bee is gorgeous, you can really hear the buzz....
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

My name is Cindy said...

I think we've all been making the most of this lovely weather! Love your bee - have seen some really big boys bumbling around this week enjoying the early dandelions. Really can't fathom how they can fly they are so fat! Yeah this obsession with wifi is a bit worrying - won't be able to do anything without it soon! Thanks for your earlier visit, Have a great week, stay well stay safe, love n hugs, Cindy x #18

Let's Art Journal said...

Sounds like great minds think alike, I've been enjoying the sunny weather too and spending time tidying the garden 😁. Your pages look amazing, loving the big bee and what a great tip to keep those pencils in tip top condition - fabulous! Take care and sending you happy and creative wishes! Woof, woof to Freya! Hugs, Jo x

Twiglet said...

Your bee is wonderful - I haven't seen any yet. A cold wet day here today so I guess they will stay cosy for a while longer. I did see a ladybird sunning itself on my bug hotel on Monday. Doddy loved his card! (and donation to Cancer Research made - thanks lots) xx Jo

Lindart said...

Hi Tracey! So nice that you can get out into the garden! And see a bee! Your rendition is gorgeous, so real. We are still dealing with snow, but the sun is warming up a little, now when we go for a walk we can feel a little warmth on our faces which is so nice. Have a great week, Lindart #29

Diana Taylor said...

Wow, your bee is gorgeous, so beautifully drawn and so lovely to see a real one in the garden. That's a great idea for the coloured pencils, I hadn't thought of that - thanks for the tip!
Hope you have a good week, stay safe and well,
Diana xx #20

Sarah Brennan said...

Stunning drawing Tracey! Great idea for the foam lining to the mug for the pencils too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It was lovely here but now it's turned cold again and quite foggy on the way to mum's. Good idea for storing the pencils like that when you're using them, great tip. I absolutely adore the bee. Have a lovely creative week and a very happy woyww, Angela x19x

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Tracey, love your teacup and agree with the sentiment :). Did the bee pose for you? I am looking forward to warmer days as I am sure the birds and the bees are! Have a great week Angela #17

Felicia said...

Tracey, your post is too cute today! It was like a bucket of sunshine coming to visit you today! I hear you too! When it has been as cold and rainy as it has been here, days of sunshine harken to you to come out and play!!! Love your bee bananas!!! LOLOL They look just fine by the way!!! Great idea with the line in your mug! I may have to steal that one! :) Thanks, as always, for stopping in and commenting on my blog! It's always nice to see you pop in! Blessings to you and the rest of your week! Felicia #26

Mac Mable said...

What an amazing Bee with fabulous colouring. Great tip to how you store your pencils too Tracey x. Glad you've been managing to get in the garden x.

Lucyna Drozłowska said...

Tak wygląda biurko artysty to się nazywa prawdziwy artystyczny nieład:) Pszczoła pierwsza w tym roku zasłużyła na taki piękny portret. dużo dobrego :)

Shoshi said...

Your bee is fabulous, Tracey! Really beautifully done - such talent! It's great to have some nice spring weather at last, isn't it. Our daffs and primroses are coming along a treat now, but so far I haven't seen any bees. I love anything with a bee theme as they are such fascinating creatures.

Thank you for your visit and for your kind words about the cat throw. Breakfast puddings are all the rage these days, and not surprising - they are delicious! I've found some more overnight oats recipes that I am keen to try as well. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever get my operation... at least I have some sort of answer to my gripe about the waiting list but I can't think why nobody thought to tell me this months ago. The whole thing has been one long and extremely frustrating experience!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #21

Julia Dunnit said...

Laugh...the pencil thing didn’t occur to me, I just love the look of those shiny coloured ends, as good as sweeties to me! But also, now you say it, a great idea to drop some foam in the mug. Talking of mugs, I like the current tea mug, very pretty and apposite! What bananas? Blimey you are hard on yourself. I bet when you’ve added shading and GKW I’ll have to eat my words, but for now, great yucca. Never thought I’d type that. Great yucca. Sounds like a superhero!! Continue to take good care xxx

BJ said...

Oh yes super bumble bee - gardening weather earlier last week - no so much now though!! Adorable drawing of one of our furry friends. We found one lolloping across the lounge carpet towards the light. Got it on some card and popped it outside with some sugar water which it lapped up! I just want to stroke their furry bums but obviously NOT. Thanks for the visit BJ#13

Heather M said...

Hi Tracey, glad to hear you managed some time in the garden - I find gardening as therapeutic as crafting. Not so easy on the bones though, I have a fair bit of aching afterwards! The bee is gorgeous, such a talented lady. Thanks for sharing. I didn't see any beesin my garden yet - I love when they arrive, and butterflies, and dragonflies. The wasps can steer clear though! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #25

Stacy Sheldon said...

I love the scale of your sketching Tracey, ooh hunh I have never thought about turning them upside down to see the color bands. I have most of my pencils in zipper book type things with elastic bands but, I can totally see that being easier to use them. sometimes its hard to get them in and out of the elastic and such. ~Stacy #28

Neet said...

What a gorgeous bee that is. Such a lot of talent!
So glad you got to go out and enjoy the fresh air, it must have been warmer than up here as despite the sun it was cold if you were not directly in it, but oh it was lovely to see it shining.
Now we have had a taste of what is ahead I think we will all begin to feel much better - and numbers are falling so that can only be a good thing for everyone.
Hugs, Neetxx
ps supplies arrived but I didn't need them - have fallen behind as I had to go to the doctors this morning with my other half and that was more important than a workshop.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful painting of a bee. Wow, it's so realistic looking. I love the idea of a cushion at the bottom of your pencil cup. The colors are always at the bottom and this is probably easier.

Have a fab week. Dorlene #30

Spyder said...

I had to go and give a bee some sugar water the other day, she was sooo pooped that she'd just keeled over, so was happy for the pick me up. the bee in your picture is fabulous! Stay safe, Have a great week, keep crafting! Happy late WOYWW?! (((Lyn)#16