Hello Creative Friends
It's hard to believe another year is close to an end
2019 has seen more hurdles than the last and many changes
for me and my family. With 2020 within grasp I never make
new years resolutions just a promise to allow myself some
much needed guilt free time to do what I love this year.
With that I will leave you with my Baker's Dozen a selection
of my favourite makes of 2019 which all hold a special memory.

Quirky Dutch Summer Guest Blogger
TioT Guest
Priceless memories..
Thank you to everyone for your kind words and friendship
I'm already excited to see what the New Year will bring.
Wishing you all a Happy & Healthy year ahead
I look forward to following your journey as I
continue to share a slice of mine with you.
Take care of yourselves and be safe..
Creative Hugs & Wishes
Tracey xx
Sharing my past year in review with