
Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Woyww #610

 Hello everyone, 

Wednesday desk sharing day again @ the stamping ground
The clean up continues taking time to pen test, no good having tools 
to hand if they don't make marks and those used for mixed media are 
worked a lot harder than those extra special ones hidden behind me. 

Now there's half a dozen toppers to find cards for, 
more things to add to the *To do* list this weekend..

Amidst the clean up I found a tin of hand carved stamps from 2018/19 
encouraged to "have a go" by Donna Gray a fab quirky stamp carver. 
The Hare/Rabbit I remember using on Easter envelopes in 2019. 

Blog buddy Alison has challenged herself to carve one a day in the 
100 day's project, seeing Alison's has definitely encouraged me to 
keep these to hand, they don't take up much space after all..  
Thanks Alison x

Look forward to seeing what's on your workdesks. 

Stay safe, creative and
take care of each other. 

*Keeping Shaz & Doug in our healing thoughts*

Tracey xx


Helen said...

I've never tried carving my own stamps, but I am following what Alison is doing with interest! News from Doug is not good at all, so sad. Take care and stay safe. Helen #2

Stacy Sheldon said...

I am totally impressed you have carved your own Tracey :) Love the hare one. ~Stacy #37

My name is Erika. said...

I like that honeycomb marker holder. It is cool. And love your stamps too. Cleaning always takes more time than planned, doesn't it? It should be good when it is done! Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

Karen said...

These hand carved stamps are too cute ~ I love the bunny :) Terrific marker storage and the coloring of the gnome is terrific! ~ Enjoy your week ~ love, Karen#28

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving those carved stamps Tracey especially the bunny! Good luck with the remaining tidying and sorting too. Woof to Freya. Stay safe. Sarah #5

Diana Taylor said...

Ooh I'm loving your hand carvved stamps - I love a little bit of carving now and then and I really like your idea of the cork bottle top - I think I'll try that. I usually stick EZ Mount onto the back of my lino cuts and use like cling rubber stamps - easier than clearing up rollers and printing ink!
Hope you have a good week, stay safe and well,
Diana xx #21

sandra de said...

Ohhhh Tracey these hand carved stamps are stunning. You have such a lovely style the little hare is super cute. Have a lovely week and thanks for the visit last week.
Sandra de (late and last)

Mary Anne said...

Your gnomes are stellar! and I just love the idea of the 100 days project and have been considering something myself. Your post seems like a confirmation I should take the plunge :) I love the carved stamps, I did a handful of pencil-eraser carved stamps (like the top of a pencil, not the stand-alone larger blocks) and still occasionally use them.

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Lisa-Jane said...

These stamps are so cool! I do love your gonks / gnomes too - such fun! Hugs definitely needed this week, Lisa-Jane #10

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful stamps, this is totally cool! Hugs, Valerie

BJ said...

Loving the carved stamps, I really ought to have a go at that again sometime.
Thanks for the visit BJ#18

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Tracey, I'm late this week as mum is in a nursing home for physio and we had to take her some stuff yesterday as well as going for our vaccine. The gnomes are glorious. I love hand carved stamps too and it's another one of those things I always planned to have a go at as hubby brought me some rubber sheets from school that they weren't using and I have the carving tools that we were given years ago and they are still sat there waiting patiently. I'm bad Lol! We are okay after the vaccine but hubby's got a bit of a headache and I have a stiff arm but nothing more than I get when we have the flu jab. Wishing you a very happy belated woyww, Angela x18x

glitterandglue said...

Hi Tracey. Well done on keeping those hand carved stamps close by. Something totally unique to you. I once hand carved some stamps from corks - they were fun to do and use. I even made some by gluing a piece of cardboard, then making the design with string. It worked for years. I love your hexagons with the pens - and the two designs you have been busy colouring. Well done.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Lindart said...

I love the handmade stamps, especially the hare! Makes me want to make a few myself. I do have a bird I made that I rather liked. I love the gnome cards too! Thanks for your visit, have a good week, and stay safe, Lindart #32

DVArtist said...

It's amazing what you will find when you start organizing. LOL Looks like great stamps. Love you art today.

Neet said...

So impressed with your stamp carving. I made a mess of mine, well maybe not a mess but I did not enjoy the workshop one bit - years ago. Like I did not like teaching lino cutting at school but had to pretend I did - enthusiastic for the kids.
Love your Gnomes are they for Valentines?
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Redanne said...

I just adore those gorgeous gnomes you have coloured, they are fabulous. Your hand carvings are beautiful too. I had the pleasure of meeting Donna a couple of years ago when we did a class together, she is as lovely as she is talented. Her carved stamps throughout lockdown have been wonderful.

Hopefully you are keeping nice and warm as well as safe and well. Hugs, Anne xx

Shoshi said...

Those hand carved stamps are absolutely brilliant, Tracey. I love the simple bold shapes and the quirkiness of them - lovely to have a really hand-done look too, as there's so much perfect professional stuff out there, and these have real soul! Also nice to have something that's unique.

Thank you for visiting - it's my own fault for leaving the hardest squares till last. It was in the back of my mind to do them quite early on. The blender saga goes on - they are definitely trying to palm me off while they don't take responsibility. One stiff email just entered the ether this evening so we'll see where that takes us, won't we.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #25

Anonymous said...

Wow! Fabulous hand carved stamps! That seems so hard to do but yours are great. Have a great week and thanks for your earlier visit to my blog. Dorlene #33

StampinCarol said...

I love your hand carved stamps! Have to admit my fave is the rabbit. But your gnome images are fabulous! Great coloring!
Thanks for popping by!
Carol N #29

Crafting With Jack said...

Amazing hand carved stamps! I got as far as buying a block to carve, but that’s it. Great gnomes too! Angela #12

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I had a go at carving my own stamps early on in my "art career" - as usual, I bought all the supplies just to try it once and then never again. One day I'll get them again, I'm sure! Yours look amazing - your friends commitment to carve one a day for the 100 day project sounds very ambitious! Thanks for your visit Tracey! Sorry I'm so late coming back to you. Enjoy the rest of the weekend! xx zsuzsa #24

nwilliams6 said...

How fun to see what is on your desk. Sone fun stuff! I need to visit more often! Hugz

Susan Renshaw said...

Love those gnomes...
The hard carved stamps look fun too...
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Update on here in Victoria – we are in a snap lockdown again – hopefully only for a few days – but 5k limit, no visitors or gatherings, only leave the house for the 4 special reasons, only essential shops open…
And the rainbow lorikeets are eating our peaches!
Susan #22
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Let's Art Journal said...

Those gnome cards are fabulous and I loved seeing your homemade stamps too! The little bunny caught my eye - perfect 😁. Take care and sending you happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

Spyder said...

very much like your stamp carving! Love how you have your pens, I've made boxes for mind but the top ones always fall out when I take a bottom one out! Stay safe! happy VERY late last weeks woyww 610 ((Lyn))#26