
Friday 7 June 2024

Creative Artiste ~ June #105 Anything Mixed Media Goes

 Hello Creatives 

It's again time to share a new project @ Creative Artiste 
First Friday of the month and a new Mixed Media Challenge 

Inspired by the first bloom from my Rose Bush 
always a sign that Summer is on her way...

My journal page this month is a layered composition of substrates. 
Acrylic and watercolour, machine, hand stitch and salvaged papers, 
fabric, embellishments and a found tag... 

Bead embellished Roses adorn the rice paper covered fabric pocket, 
stitched and filled with a bunch of die cut watercolour flowers.. 

Nature always makes me incredibly happy, 
a subject I share as often as free time allows. 
Forever rewarding giving me so much more 
than I could ever give back...

Come share your creativity with the team and Guest Designer 
see what mixed media makes they have created to inspire YOU 

Stay safe and creative 
Happy June Hugs 
Tracey xx

Sharing todays creativity with: 

Art Journal Journey ~ Matildes theme What makes you Happy  

Fourseasons JUNE 2024 Anything Goes Summer Challenge


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your rose is lovely, but I admit, I believe your art is even lovelier. You used a plethora of techniques. I always think sewing adds to a piece and elevates it to a higher level. This is stunning Tracey and perfect for Matilde's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ.

crafty-stamper said...

Fabulous journal page,love the beautiful flowers and all the texture -beautiful.
Carol x

My name is Erika. said...

I have my first roses right now too. It's so exciting to see them, isn't it? Welcome summer. And I just love your page today. I have been thinking about making a flower page, and I know my blooms will never be as lovely as yours. This is perfect for Matilde's theme. Thank you for linking up. I hope you are finding some art time too and having a lovely June. And it looks like you have some sun on your rose too. I hope it's shining for you. hugs-Erika

Valerie-Jael said...

I love your beautiful, floral piece, it's fabulous, and as wonderful as all of your lovely creations. It makes me want to touch it! And thanks for linking to Matilde's challenge at AJJ, too! Have a good and hopefully restful weekend, hugs! xx

Christine said...


Judy McKay said...

What a gorgeous are journal page. Stunning flowers, layering and colours. Hugs Judy

Let's Art Journal said...

What a beautiful page and wow, that rose is stunning too! Loving all the layers and how you incorporated the tag - perfect 😊. I hope life is treating you well and wishing you a Happy June! Hugs, Jo x

craftytrog said...

Such a beautiful page Tracey, and your rose is lovely too.
Hope you are keeping well,
Alison xx

Aimeslee Winans said...

Such a perfect first rose, Tracey! But if its beauty could be transferred to art, you've done it with that journal page! So so pretty. I have had the best Spring watching the things we've planted grow. I'm always surprised to watch such a slow process, guess that's why they say 'like watching grass grow' heehee. Well, I like it but I'm retired now and hubby Honey and I enjoy it. Thank you for your sweet comments you leave me and I hope you have a sunny June! XOX

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Such fabulous and sweet rose in bloom inspired you! Your watercoloured roses seem so real and the beads give them an also more precious look! A very creative mixed media page for your journal, love so much the effect of the layering and the stitched details!
Have a lovely crafty June!

Anita said...

Wow, your rose is breathtakingly beautiful, Tracey!! And so is your art journal page--those flowers look so real. What a wonderful homage to Nature, with all those layers, elements, techniques, and riot of colors. And I love the quote too! Hope you have a beautiful, creative June in the company of Nature. xo Anita

Fiona said...

Oh roses - my favourite flowers especially if they have that old fashioned scent. I have a few in my garden and one climbing over the window of my craft room. I love your piece Tracey - it really captures the gorgeous soft colours of summer. I love the stitching too - I've still not been brave enough to get a machine.

Matilde said...

Beautiful make for the challenge "What makes you happy" :) Thank you for joining!

Lowcarb team member said...

Your rose is so lovely, your page too is just BEAUTIFUL, love how you've done this.

All the best Jan

Mrs.B said...

A fabulous Summer Garden page Tracey, love all the blooms especially the roses with their stitched outlines.
Avril xx

Diane said...

Beautiful floral journal page!
Thank you for joining our challenge at The Four Seasons!
Diane FS Co-Owner
{Nellies Nest}
{Four Seasons}

aussie aNNie said...

A really beautiful designed journal and gorgeous image used x

Fiona said...

Gorgeous garden on a page Tracey. You've captured summer beautifully I can almost smell those roses. said...

Absolutely gorgeous!, as always so much beautiful detail to look at, always a joy. Nature makes me happy too, it heals the soul. Michelle x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Beautiful art work Tracey. This is so full of gorgeous detail. Happy creating. Hugs Angela xXx