
Wednesday 26 June 2019

What's on your workdesk Wednesday 525

Happy What's on your workdesk Wednesday! 

Desk sharing day where we hang out at Julia's 
stamping ground ... it's time for WoywW #525

I'm back again.. what a part timer I am!

Well it's been an eventful couple of weeks in my little 
part of the Midlands along with family and visiting friends. 
No matter how I try I just can't seem to juggle online time 
with anything else and get back into my blogging routine. 

 Always somewhere needed to be, it's all been a little too busy 
for me leaving the creative inside shouting "What about ME..!? " 

So i'll take you to a quiet place where it's all about pencils again, 
resist and watercolour play with my latest DT Paperbabe Stamps. 

Shhhh... don't tell anyone i'm here.. i'm in hiding! 

Look forward to seeing what you've all been up, 
as I feel like my creative side is wilting rapidly..

Be round to visit as soon as i've pushed Hubby 
on his way to his second round of Cardio-rehab. 

Take good care everyone 
Creative Hugs
Tracey xx 


Neet said...

Here's hoping the cardio rehab is working wonders for hubby.
Oh Tracey, please do not let go of your creativeness, you do such beautiful things. If I could magic some spare time for you I would, in the blink of an eye. Glad to see you have your pencils out and you are working your magic with them on the face that we can just see. Keep going, it's not the same without you.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Redanne said...

The face looks beautiful so far Tracey, the shading is superb! I really do feel for you as I know creative time is so important for you, so I hope you find some little chinks of time here and there until things settle down - we will all be here waiting for you! Take care. Hugs, Anne xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Tracey, just try to take it easy and we know you'll be around when you can. Sometimes life gets in the way of crafty stuff and we can't always manage both. Your pencil art is fabulous and I'm sure you'll finish it in time. Take care my friend and I am sending you big hugs, gentle ones obviously! Angela xXx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I think we all sympathise with you when we're so busy seeing to everyone else that we forget about ourselves. I hope that you're able to fit in a little crafting time this week...don't worry about doing anything big or crazy, just craft for no other reason than your enjoyment. Hope the cardio camp is helping hubby, it did with mine (and it was 11 years ago now and he's still doing great)
Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Tracey, yes, life gets a little frantic sometimes, and fitting in me-time becomes almost impossible. Love the image, looks great. Have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #4 X

Mia said...

Hi Tracey, the face is gorgeous!!!!!!!!! I hope that everything will be OK with your husband. Hugs, my friend.

Dorthe said...

Dearest Tracey, I so hope the cardio rehab was a good experience, again.
And oh my , once more I have to say, that what you can do with pencils is fantastic. This face already glows of life and beauty .
I hope dear friend, that time now allows more c reating and playing for you, in your cosy corner . Biggest hugs from Dorthe xxxxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Just had to pop back to tell you I am not using the spiders for a Halloween card, just working on some garden designs and thought it needed a bit of wildlife included. Angela xxx

Let's Art Journal said...

Shhhhh ... I won't tell anyone (grin!). I know how you feel I've been missing in action with the sunny weather and then looking after family, I'm pleased to say all is well now so I'm off to the craft room in a minute to see what I can create for the Paperbabe Stamps challenge 😉. I hope you find some "me time" this week too! Take care and wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope the cardio rehab is going well for your hubby Tracey. Love the look of that colouring, I shall look out for the next Sugarbabes shows. Hope you get plenty of creative time over the summer. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Caro said...

Hope your hubbies rehab is going well. I can understand that feeling of 'what about me' in response to life going crazy all around - i hope you manage to find some time for you and your creativity in the midst of it all. Absolutely love your colouring on that face. Stunning. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)

Helen said...

Great to see you (and thanks for the visit) - hope the cardio physio is going well for hubby.
the face is wonderful - take it slowly and don't let go of your creative side! Helen #2

Sue said...

Hi Tracey, Hope life eases off a bit, so you can get your crafting time.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #8

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Oh Tracey, you are less of a sometimer than I. You have a perfect excuse, too. I make art for me, and you make art as part of design teams. I think I'd go bonkers if I spent as much time as you doing things other than creative art. So glad you brought me to your quiet place today. Happy WOYWW from #1.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Your artwork looks lovely. I hope you're able to get more time for your creative side soon.

StampinCarol said...

Hope the rehab is going well for your hubby.
Love the face! The coloring is great!
And join in when you can, don't feel obligated! We all have lives to live.
Thanks for popping by!
Have a great week!
Carol N #25

Anne said...

Hello Tracey. Glad you found a little time for you. The face is great. I hope that your husband is responding well to the rehab.
Life at times does make it difficult for us to find time for ourselves,hopefully you can soon find some more for just you. Hugs Anne X

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I hope you hang on to a little "me time". If you are caring for others, you need that time to keep yourself going. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #9

Shoshi said...

It's dreadful when you have to hide in order to find some time to yourself, isn't it!! Hope things quieten down a bit for you soon. I hope your hubby will benefit from his cardio rehab. My brother in law did it and it was brilliant. Thank you for your visit and your commiserations re my finger - horror story about your daughter!! Mine will heal eventually but it's going to have to wait for the nail to regrow and that is going to take weeks. Thank goodness for baby wipes because I'm finding it very hard to wash my hands at the moment and have a rubber glove that I can wear when doing things.

Glad you approve of my "chariot" (much better name than a buggy which is what some of my friends keep calling it!!) and Lol at your Mad Max comment haha!! I read someone's experience with theirs online and he said he had to leave home 10 mins earlier each day because people kept stopping him to chat about it - they certainly do turn heads! My hubby is looking for an umbrella for me now. The new kitchen gadget is installed in its new home and I expect I shall cease to notice it after a while, but for now it looks huge! I've washed all the parts and read the book and I'm now ready to start. Should be fun! You can do so many things with it.

If the weather is fine tomorrow and I'm not too tired, I'm taking a trip on my Mad Max machine on my own! I want to go down to our local shopping centre.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #28

Meggymay said...

Tracy life has it way of upsetting our regular routines, there will always be another day soon when we can follow our creative needs. I hope you husband is recovering well.
Look aafter yourself.
Yvonne xx

Dorlene Durham said...

I won't let your secret out. Yes, it is hard to find time to be online especially when people are looking for ya!
Dorlene #27

aussie aNNie said...

Hope all is ok with your hubby and I won't tell anyone you are here.xx

Marit said...

I really do hope your life will be somewhat more relaxed soon, I know all about the fact that online time and blogging gets pushed aside when other things and emotions come in the way. Thanks for visiting my blog in between all you have on your mind. I am late with my visit due to tropical days in the Netherlands (too warm to sit at the computer in the atelier - too hot to do anything really...) Warm hug from Holland, Marit #7

Lindart said...

Hi Tracey! That little face peeking out looks awesome! Looking forward to seeing it all finished - and I see another one underneath! Are you doing Jane Davenport? I bought two of her books but just haven't had the time to work on anything of hers yet. Sorry I'm so late this week! Thank you for your earlier visit, Lindart #26

Words and Pictures said...

Looks like there's some amazing colouring going on there... hope you find a little more crafting space and time for yourself soon.
Alison x

froebelsternchen said...

Don't mind pausing blogtime Tracey, the same happens to me just time for blogging.
But we will make time in autumn again, I am sure!
Best wishes for the second cardio -rehab for your hubby!!! ♥♥♥
Susi xxx

sarascloset said...

Oh, Tracey, I understand, sweet girl! Take some time for yourself whenever you can, even if it's a few minutes a day! I hope the cardiac rehab is helping your hubby. Your artwork is always the best; and these portraits are such great things to work on in your little snippets of time away from the hustle of everyday life--jut enough to keep the creative juices flowing...Hugs!

Jackie PNeal said...

Take lots of time and enjoy your life and your art time. Sometimes we get so caught up in so many things, our minds and bodies need to step back,and just chill- do something for ourselves!

So reading that hubby is off to cardio rehab,does that mean he is coming along and doing well? I sure hope so.
Sending hugs and lots of love to you Tracey! xoxo

Claudia N. said...

I know so well what you're talking about, Tracey. Have been struggling with the same problem too for the last years. It seems I am finally reaching a point though where I simply accept that is just the way it is and that I obviously am not made for a crafting and blogging routine. Gladly design team duties still bring that much needed schedule and at least a bit of routine. I think I just love too many different things and being social but also being alone in my studio - it just comes in waves. Seems I am the "waves" type. lol
Thanks so much for your lovely visit on my blog. You've made my day with your kind comment. XXX
