
Sunday, 31 October 2021

It's a funny old world..

 Happy Halloween everyone.. 

I know Halloween is not everyone's cup of tea so 
here's a couple of pumpkin funnies for Michele's
as we wind down October.. 

and just a handful of ATC cards..

Have a happy safe Halloween, 
see you all in November. 

Creative wishes 
Tracey xx

Friday, 29 October 2021

Be connected...

Happy Friday everyone, 

Today I share my final Guest Host themed page at 

A warm thank you to Elizabeth and the team for inviting me again 
and extra thank you's to everyone who joined me during October 
your inspiration and creativity amazes me, 
I've loved visiting you all.  

So here she is my last October themed page.. 
I couldn't let October pass without sharing a portrait😊

A magazine face collaged and over painted modelling an oversized hat
 and scarf, against a painted backdrop of rusty reds and golden yellows. 

How I love the month of October, nature paints a beautiful scene.

and now it's time for me to enjoy the last of your October shares 
before I pass the creative baton/brush over to a new Guest Host 
@ Art Journal Journey... throughout November.

Many thanks to everyone who took time out from their day 
to pop on over and leave me the sweetest of encouraging 
comments blogger is a wonderful place to stay connected.

Stay safe, cosy & creative
Hugs Tracey xx

Sharing today with Paint Party Friday

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Make your mark..

 Hello everyone 

October it's speeding along so I'm sharing a 

two masked pages washed with my Autumnal watercolour palette.

Gathered leaves placed randomly into the watercolour area, 
painted over then just left to dry. A slow process this time of year 
but very much worth the wait when you peel back those dried leaves...

Something unique every time..

This page is destined to become bookmarks.. don't you agree??

Wishing you all a safe & creative week 

Hugs Tracey xx

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Hunter's moon...

Hello creative friends, 

I'm sharing a reworked journal page created last July 
in a lesson by Maureen Nadeau where we were asked to 
create a mixed media moon based on our own zodiac moon. 

Being born under a New Moon what I created really didn't 
connect with me so I've adapted mine to fit with my theme 

Here's the OCTOBER full moon or Hunter's Moon as it's known

Illuminating those Autumnal leaves as night begins to fade

baring it's bright Orange bottom.. 😊

Now if only the skies would have been clear from cloud to 
have seen it's fiery glow last night... maybe next year. 
Stay safe & creative everyone 

Tracey xx

Sharing today with: 
Country View Challenges ~ Autumn Colours and or/Halloween

Monday, 18 October 2021

Autumn in Abstract

 Hello everyone 

I hope you all had a creative weekend? 

I had a whole Sunday to myself what a treat 
but with so many things on my creative to do list 
I was overwhelmed where to start or what to do... 

Looking through my online courses I noticed a bonus workshop 
had dropped into my Soulful Abstracts course by Laly Mille.. 

This is where Sunday took me. 

Orange is not my colour, you may be shocked by this as my 
Nature wears Orange so much better than I ever could. 

This workshop takes you on a journey facing your fears of 
unconfident colour, introducing it into your artwork alongside 
colours you're more comfortable with which for me are mainly neutral.

Layering unfavoured paper scrap colours, scribbling on shades of 
orange neocolour II's. All blended into the background by finger 
smudging white gesso, random stamping and dark inky drips. 

I call this mixed media piece *Autumn in Abstract*

now I feel the need to create something in purple 😏

Wishing you all a very Creative week 

Hugs Tracey xx

Friday, 15 October 2021

Paperbabe Stamps Challenge #154 ~ Anything Goes

 Hello Everyone  

with a prize every fortnight for one random winner
Our theme is *Anything Goes* come along and play.

Today i'm sharing two Day of The Dead themed tags 

The new stamps work with both Male and Female Dinky stamp sets  
along with the Jointed Art Doll Portrait Head and die.

Using with the Male dinky face stamps I've dressed him with a fancy hat 
decorated with flower and feather stamps, now doesn't he wear it well.

I've always loved the ethos of this colourful two day holiday, 
honouring the lives of family and friends both past and present. 

Come share your *Anything Goes
creativity with us HERE

Stay safe & Creative 
Hugs Tracey xx

Sharing today with: 

Hello PUMPKIN...

 Hello Pumpkin 😊

Halloween season is upon us it's everywhere in the shops, 
I love the display of different pumpkins available and have spent 
many hours carving out pumpkin faces with the children in the past. 

I've a spooky Halloween inspired journal page today 

A painted background with a stamped and coloured Manor house. 
The full moon illuminates my oversized drawn and painted plump 
pumpkin that greets you at the foot of the winding garden path.. 

If you look long enough at the open Manor house window 
you can almost imagine an eerie shadow staring out at you. 

Amazing how the mind can play tricks on us... 

Stay safe and creative everyone 

Hugs Tracey xx

Sharing today's creativity with: 
Try it on Tuesday ~ Halloween
Rains Thursday Art Date ~ Being Watched
Country View Crafts ~ Autumn Colours/Halloween

Monday, 11 October 2021


 Hello everyone 

the weekend was unusually warm in my little part of the world 
walks have been even more pleasurable collecting a variation 
of leaves and rose hip berry sprigs.

Sharing another page inspired by my finds and forage 

Sketchy leaf doodles on my art journal cover, leaf veins 
added with liner pen all painted with vibrant watercolour. 

The rose hip berries reminded me of a group of Ladybirds/Ladybugs 
sometimes known as a *Loveliness*... now how lovely is that. 

Wishing you all a wonderful week 

Stay safe & creative 
Hugs Tracey xx

Friday, 8 October 2021

Walk with me..

 Hello creative friends, 

Get your boots on as today I invite you to 
walk with me along the canal side near my home 
as I share another page for my Guest Host theme 

Here's my hand drawn and painted boot, stamped Tree's with die cut 
and embossed leaves striding along the canal bank walking amongst 
crunchy, soggy and often slippery fallen leaves.

Shadows cast on the water make the canal look much wider than it is 
Without those embankment tree shadows the sky and earth would be seamless. 

Each UK season brings something very special but nothing like Autumn, 
nature presents us with glorious golden yellows, orange with hint's of 
ruby red as the many green's start to fade, the illusion of warmth 
as we take a closer step towards Winter.

Wishing you all a safe and happy weekend 

Creative hugs 
Tracey xx

Sharing today's creativity with: 

Monday, 4 October 2021

October Blessings...

Hello everyone, 

I hope you all had a good weekend?

I'm sharing another page at Art Journal Journey 
for my Favourite Colour is October journal theme. 

Displaying the spectrum of colour October blesses me with. 
Based around an image from a 6x6 paper pad, It's been extended using 
watercolour, pen and pencil adding a fussy cut red fox and squirrel. 

Sadly our native red squirrel is a rare thing in the UK 
but the Grey Squirrel I see daily, foraging in the grasses, 
running rings around the tree's or shaking my bird feeders..  

Acorns and layered Fungi the great communicators of the forest, 
caretakers of plants and tree's. Waiting for those leaves to fall 
ready to break them down to create food for ground feeders 
and insects, enriching the soil once more..

Nature it never cease's to amaze me..

Take care everyone 
Stay safe & creative 

Hugs Tracey xx

Sharing today's creativity with: 
Country View Challenges ~ Autumn Colours and/or Halloween
Try it on Tuesday ~ Autumn Blessings

Friday, 1 October 2021

My Favourite colour is *October* ~ Art Journal Journey Guest Host

 Hello Art Journal Friends. 

What a pleasure to be Guest Host 
Thank you to the team for having me.

My choice of journal theme for you this month is 

In the UK Autumn is in full swing as nature prepares to slow down. 
Giving us her final burst of colour, this of course may/will change 
depending on whether you live in the Southern or Northern Hemisphere. 

Use her colours to inspire your pages just as I was by this Autumnal 
leaf napkin. Pasted upon layered scrap paper, book pages and lace awash 
with watercolour extra napkin leaves are fussy cut and scrunched. 

A machine stitched pocket with three little buttons display colours 
like natures traffic lights and bare a worthy sentiment for the Season. 

So I ask you to share what you see around you during October, 
you may be surprised by what it presents if you take a closer look. 

I'm really looking forward to seeing your 

Until then, stay safe & creative 
Tracey xx

Sharing todays creativity with: 
Try it on Tuesday ~ Autumn Blessings